1 Spotty 2 You may not create this directory, since a file by this name already exists. 3 Usage: drive:\directory ie. c:\dirname 4 Invalid drive letter 5 No directory name specified 6 Error creating target directory 7 Only characters 'A' - 'Z', ' ', '\' and '_' are allowed in the directory name 8 Install needs to replace file %s with a newer version. It can not, because 9 The file has been loaded into memory prior to running Install. Exit Install, close all running programs, then restart Install 10 Are you sure you want to Cancel copying files? 11 Memory Allocation error occurred. Aborting operation 12 I/O error occurred. Aborting operation 13 Unable to set timer. Aborting operation 14 Unidentified error. Aborting operation 15 Creating Program Manager Group . . . 16 Unable to create Program Manager group.\n\nCould not locate Program Manager 17 Program Manager Group Created Successfully 18 Error occurred creating Program Manager group 19 Files Copied Successfully 20 Nexus Mainframe Terminal successfully installed. 21 You must have at least %s bytes available on drive %c, for temporary files, in order to run install program.\nAborting installation 22 You need %s additional bytes available on drive %c in order to install program files 23 One of the files to be installed has the same name as the installation program. Rename the installation program. 24 The changes made to the current install program will be lost if you proceed.\nAre you sure you want to continue?